Prairie Restoration

The Schumacher Prairie restoration was initiated in the 1980s with the foresight of Marcella Pendall Schumacher, the knowledge and assistance of Wayne Pauley, Dane County Parks Naturalist, and many determined volunteers. The efforts continue today to maintain the native prairie ecosystem and expand the oak savanna woodland, employing manual hand tools, chainsaws, and a prescribed fire regime to reduce woody shrub encroachment and promote native plant germination.

Member comment: "We enjoy our walks in the prairie and appreciate all the work you do to preserve nature and the farm." -Cathy & John Attig

We are excited for the 17 acre expansion of the prairie getting underway! With seeding having begun in early 2023, we are currently monitoring for growth. 


Heirloom Garden

Schumacher Farm Park's Heirloom garden is planted with varieties typical of those planted in a farm garden of the 1920s and 1930s. An heirloom plant is a cultivar that was commonly grown during earlier periods in human history, from seeds that have been passed down through generations, but which is not used in modern large-scale agriculture. Heirloom varieties fell out of use as hybrid, more "modern" varieties were introduced. They are usually hardy, flavorful and disease-resistant. Our seeds comeprimarily from the Seed Savers Exchange® and date from 1840 to 1940. The garden also features a strawberry patch, grape vines, rhubarb, asparagus, raspberry and currant bushes. No herbicides or pesticides are used. 

Students from Waunakee High School's horticulture class get hands-on experience working in the garden. In early spring, students start seeds in the school’s state-of-the-art greenhouse and nurture the seedlings until planting time. Local service groups also help in the garden with various maintenance tasks throughout the year. Garden produce is utilized for program purposes, available for sampling by visitors and volunteers, and also donated to the Waunakee Food Pantry.

Interested in helping to maintain our prairie or garden? Please fill out our volunteer intake form here to get alerted of future volunteer opportunities.