The Historical Committee is presently made up of five members who meet monthly. It is their responsibility to oversee and recommend to the Friends Board of Directors the preservation and restoration needs of the early 1900s historic collection. We support the education needs of the Schumacher Farm site through tours, displays, books and resources of our artifacts. It is our goal to enhance the park so that the visitor feels that are witnessing what a 1917 farmstead would have looked like.

Committee Purpose

To inventory, maintain, exhibit , restore and update our collection. We follow a donation policy that helps us accept or reject donations from the community. Many donations of artifices are offered, but due to space and significance we are able to accept only those that meet our requirements.

The Committee is currently working on an exciting new project called PocketSights. When the project is complete, park guests will be able to use their cell phones to learn about the buildings and grounds of the Schumacher Farm. We hope to have this ready by the end of Summer 2024.

Donating Artifact(s)

Fill out this Artifact Field Receipt Form and notify the office at 608-849- 4559 that you have an item(s) that you wish to give to the farm. Please do not just drop it off without prior approval. It is meaningful to learn the history of your artifact.


Photo Book

This book was generously created by Roger Bindl and provides a photo history of the farm. It contains photos from the Schumacher Farm Park collection and the author's photo/video collection. The purpose of the book is to show photos that are otherwise in storage and to provide context to the Schumacher history, Marcella and the farm. It also answers frequently asked questions about the family background, dates, and the farm. Click here to view the entire photo book.