Contact Us

  •   Phone: 608-849-4559
  •   Email:  
  •   Office Hours: Office staff are typically on-site Monday, Tuesday & Friday, though the times vary.  We strive to return messages within two business days.
  •   Location: 5682 Hwy 19  Waunakee, WI  53597 

Grounds and Trail Hours

Open 7 days a week, sunrise to sunset. A kiosk near the granary has information about the buildings and special events.

Trail Map

Historic Building Hours

The house, barn and other historic buildings are open during events and by appointment only. Please check the Calendar of Events or contact the park office.

Building Map


Tours are offered as part of scheduled educational programs, park events and by special request. See the calendar of events or contact the Park office to schedule a tour for your group.


Schumacher Farm Park is located on the top of a hill on County Hwy 19 just east of Waunakee, WI. 
From the East: We are across the highway from the Industrial park water tower, which you will see as you are coming into Waunakee on Hwy 19. 
From the West: We are located just past the intersection of Hwy 19 and Q/Schumacher Road. Take the next left.