Above: Marcella as a child in the farmyard. Below right: Photo of Marcella as a young adult. (Images source: Schumacher Archives)
Our History

In 1892, Henry Schumacher purchased forty acres of land one mile east of the  Village of Waunakee from the widow of Dr. Nathaniel Wheeler, the village’s first physician. Dr. Wheeler cultivated grapes and an orchard. Henry Schumacher purchased the acreage for the purpose of grazing his livestock while he lived on the adjacent Schumacher family farm with his brothers. Henry turned the land into a working farm in 1907 and hired Frank Schwenn to build the present-day cruciform two-story house for his future bride, Eveline Busby. The farm remained in the Schumacher family for nearly 100-years.

In 1908, Henry married Eveline Busby and in 1910, Marcella Philomene Schumacher, their only child, was born. Although all farming activity had ceased shortly after the death of her father in 1942, Eveline and Marcella continued renting the land to local farmers. As a teacher working in the Waunakee School District for many years, Marcella wanted to leave an educational legacy by creating a living history museum that documented and represented farm life during the early 20th century. In 1978, Marcella donated the property to the Dane County Parks Commission and Schumacher Farm Park was born.

To carry out her dream of using her father’s farmstead as a conservancy and park, Marcella formed a non-profit organization, The Friends of Schumacher Farm, in 1986. Over the next several decades, Marcella mentored the organization while living in her family home until she passed away at the age of 83. At her death, she left the Marcella Schumacher Pendall Trust to provide for the basic financial needs of the Friends of Schumacher Farm. The Friends assumed responsibility for the restoration of the farm house to the 1930s era and have established various programs to represent life of the area’s early settlers.

In successful partnership with the Dane County Parks Commission, many volunteers, and the surrounding communities, the Friends of Schumacher Farm is able to execute it's mission of providing a living history museum and nature conservancy that offers a representation of Dane County's rural heritage through preservation, restoration, and education.

Photo Book

This book was generously created by Roger Bindl and provides a photo history of the farm. It contains photos from the Schumacher Farm Park collection and the author's photo/video collection. The purpose of the book is to show photos that are otherwise in storage and to provide context to the Schumacher history, Marcella and the farm. It also answers frequently asked questions about the family background, dates, and the farm. Click here to view the entire photo book.