Volunteer roles at Schumacher Farm Park are vast and varied. With our dynamic work in environmental education, historic preservation, natural areas conservation, and community events, there is something for everyone. We have many group volunteer opportunities, giving a chance to socialize with others in our beautiful setting. We provide you with training and guidance, and you just bring your enthusiasm! We also value autonomy, welcoming many skilled volunteers to perform specific duties at their own initiative.
Possible volunteer roles include:
-helping maintain the garden throughout the growing season
-showcasing historic items to students and families at field trips or our open farmhouse tour days
-handing out flyers at the Light the Night parade
-helping with prairie restoration, brush removal, and other natural areas maintenance
-selling tickets, guiding parking, or interacting with guests at special events
-refreshing historic buildings at our annual spring work day
Whether you volunteer for a couple hours once a year, or a couple hours every week - we'd love to have you. Our volunteers are very important to us, as they directly help us fulfill our mission of connecting the community to the land, rural history, and each other. The best way to learn about volunteer opportunities is to sign up for our e-newsletter (emails are sent very infrequently, we promise!). Or if you have a specific idea or question about volunteering, feel free to reach out to us here.
Natural Areas Work Days
Join us for important restoration work from 9am-12pm on the 2nd Tuesday & the 4th Friday of the month starting in May. Work may include: removal of invasive species, brush removal, seed collection, etc. No experience necessary, direction will be provided. Please dress for the outdoors, bring work gloves and a water bottle. We meet at the Center for Rural History (barn with the blue and yellow barn quilt). Bathrooms and water fountains are available.
Join us & sign up here: Natural Areas Work Days Sign Up